2021 Eliminate Homelessness
Virtual Fundraising Event
Welcome to our Eliminate Homelessness Virtual Fundraiser!
Last year, we made the difficult decision to change how we approached our fundraising efforts due to the pandemic. For years we invited you to join us for breakfast or lunch for our annual Eliminate Homelessness in Steele County fundraiser.
However, like many organizations, we needed to adapt in 2020. We moved forward with a completely virtual campaign asking people like you to give via mail and on our website. We even ventured into the 21st century and promoted our organization and fundraiser on Facebook and Instagram! And like many organizations navigating the pandemic, we did not know what to expect. What we found was completely unexpected. Despite the "unprecedented times," we experienced first-hand the unparalleled generosity of Steele County businesses and residents like you. The demand for our services grew and YOU answered the call! We dramatically exceeded our fundraising efforts. With this money, we were able to grow our organization and help even more families in Steele County transition into a stable home environment. And for that we want to shout THANK YOU! :)
We hope to one day return to an in-person fundraising event, we don't feel that it time for that yet. We have integrated our virtual fundraising event to be hosted on our very own website this year. You can view our progress toward our 2021 goal of $100,000. Come back each day during the week of Nov 16-20, as we will be posting a different video success story to this site so you can see first-hand how your generous gifts directly help change the lives of Steele County Families.
Thank you for visiting our virtual fundraiser. You are a valuable friend to our organization and we appreciate your support over the years. Please help us to continue to Eliminate Homelessness right here in Steele County by clicking the donate button and making a gift.
Transitional Housing of Steele County is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax ID number: 41-1946337
How Your Support Makes a Difference
In 2019:
• 251 people were housed by Transitional Housing.
• 102 were adults.
• 149 were children.
• Half were fleeing abusive homes.
• Many were disabled.
• Many were single parents.
• All were living in poverty.
• Transitional Housing helped 28 families to remain in housing by
preventing their evictions.

Support our Campaign
While we have helped hundreds of people each year, the demand is far greater than what we can provide. Every month, an average of 30 families are turned away due to a lack of funding. Our waiting list of families who need our help continues to grow.
The agency received 368 phone calls or personal visits from families or individuals who were homeless or were at risk of becoming homeless. The agency responded by assisting in referrals, navigation and advocacy.
The pandemic has not only increased our agency's demand, but also forced us to connect with donors in a way we've never done before.
Please help us as we fight to eliminate homelessness in Steele County by making a generous gift and/or sharing our cause with friends.
Learn more about how we help prevent homelessness by visiting our website at www.transitionalhousingsc.com
Your gift can make a difference in Steele County

Your $25 gift covers the cost of 1 hour of Case Management.

Your $100 gift covers the cost of one week of case management for 4 families.

Your $250 gift covers the cost of eviction prevention for a family of 4.

Your $500 gift keeps a family of 5 in their home by covering rent for one month.

Your $1000 gift covers the cost of a security deposit for 1+ families (a common barrier to obtaining housing).
Event Sponsors
We would like to recognize and thank our event sponsors and agency partners.